improving extractives governance

PNGEITI Report Releases

The EITI holds all implementing countries to the same global standard. Through Validation, the EITI’s quality assurance mechanism, implementing countries are assessed on their ability to meet the provisions of the EITI Standard.

Calling for Expression of Interest

CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR A SHORT-TERM CONSULTANT ON VALIDATION   The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard that promotes transparency and accountability in the oil, gas and mining sectors. Country validation Validation is an essential feature of the EITI implementation process. It is intended to provide stakeholders with an impartial assessment of whether EITI implementation in a country is consistent with the provisions of the EITI Standard or not. Papua New Guinea underwent its first validation in 2018 in which the EITI Board granted ‘meaningful progress’ in implementing the EITI Standard. It is now high time for PNG’s second country validation which is set to begin on 1st April 2022. Provision of Consultancy services on validation The PNGEITI calls for expressions of interest from competent firms or consultant (s) to compile documentation in preparation for Papua New Guinea’s second country validation. This task will require high level coordination among the Multi-Stakeholder Group members for the collection and collation of data and information. Rationale for the Assignment The second country validation will be executed under a ‘New Validation Model’ which differs from the previous model used in the first country validation. This new model will introduce usage of new reporting templates that will require detailed data gathering and collation of information for a comprehensive assessment, capturing each requirement of the EITI Standard. Due to the technicality of the information and data, this exercise requires adequate time and dedication to collate and complete. The National Secretariat with the endorsement of the MSG, have agreed to engage the services of an independent administrator to undertake this assignment. Objectives of the Assignment The objective of the assignment is; To prepare the MSG for the second validation exercise; Coordinate pre-validation workshops for the Validation Technical Working Group and the MSG; Compile data and information using the validation templates; Provide technical support to the TWG and MSG during the course of this assignmen Qualifications and Experience Consultant must have more than five (5) years proven experience in data compilation, and conducting data analysis; Extensive experience in producing high level data and information assessment for research and or validation would be an advantage; Excellent technical capacity in high level stakeholder engagement and facilitation; Must be tax compliant; indicating Tax registration certificate or TIN; In addition, if operating as a company, it will be a requirement to submit certified copies of the Certificate of incorporation as a company. Application procedure Applicants are required to submit the following: A technical proposal: letter of Interest, stating why you consider your services suitable for the assignment; Company profile on handling related assignment; Personal CVs for individual consultant highlighting qualifications and experience; Accurate business or personal address i.e. physical, postal, telephones and email; Contact details of referees from organisations for whom you have provided your services; Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee and a breakdown of expenses (unit price together with any other expenses) relating to the assignment; Both technical and financial proposal must not exceed five pages. Interested bidders may obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference (ToR) which outlines specific tasks involved in the assignment by clicking the link below: Application to be addressed to: The Head of National Secretariat PNG Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PNGEITI) P O Box 1907  PORT MORESBY, NCD  Applications through expressions must be sent to the following email: or can also be hand delivered to the Treasury Building, Waigani Drive.   All applications to be submitted no later than 4.30pm, 12 November, 2021.   Authorised by: LUCAS ALKAN HEAD OF NATIONAL SECRETARIAT

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Calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the Preparation of the Year 2020 PNG EITI Report

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR PREPARATION OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2020 PNG EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVE REPORT The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard that promotes transparency and accountability in the oil, gas and mining sectors. One of the key requirements for PNG as a EITI implementing country is to publish annual reconciliated financial reports for all revenues and other benefits received by the Government from extractive industry companies actively producing and exporting commodities. PNG has published seven EITI reports for the financial years 2013 to 2019 and is now required to publish the 2020 financial year report. The PNGEITI National Secretariat hereby seeks a competent and credible consulting and auditing firm, free from conflicts of interest to provide reconciliation services in accordance with the Requirements of the ElTI Global Best Practice Standard for the 2020 financial year report. The project is estimated to take approximately seven (7) months from October 2021 to May 2022. Interested bidders should obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference (TOR) from the Secretariat office or from its website which provides full details on the scope of work involved. Bidders are required to make submissions in two parts including the Technical and the Financial proposals for preparation of the Report. Submissions must be received no later than 4:30 pm on the 10th of September 2021. Submissions can be emailed to Francis Diakon at Francis_ or delivered to the Secretariat office located on Level 8 of The Treasury Building, Waigani. Authorised by: Lucas Alkan Head of National Secretariat

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Calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the Preparation of the Year 2020 PNG EITI Report

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR PREPARATION OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2020 PNG EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVE REPORT The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard that promotes transparency and accountability in the oil, gas and mining sectors. One of the key requirements for PNG as a EITI implementing country is to publish annual reconciliated financial reports for all revenues and other benefits received by the Government from extractive industry companies actively producing and exporting commodities. PNG has published seven EITI reports for the financial years 2013 to 2019 and is now required to publish the 2020 financial year report. The PNGEITI National Secretariat hereby seeks a competent and credible consulting and auditing firm, free from conflicts of interest to provide reconciliation services in accordance with the Requirements of the ElTI Global Best Practice Standard for the 2020 financial year report. The project is estimated to take approximately seven (7) months from October 2021 to May 2022. Interested bidders should obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference (TOR) from the Secretariat office or from its website which provides full details on the scope of work involved. Bidders are required to make submissions in two parts including the Technical and the Financial proposals for preparation of the Report. Submissions must be received no later than 4:30 pm on the 10th of September 2021. Submissions can be emailed to Francis Diakon at Francis_ or delivered to the Secretariat office located on Level 8 of The Treasury Building, Waigani. Authorised by: Lucas Alkan Head of National Secretariat

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Request for Expressions of Interest for Contract Transparency Study in Papua New Guinea

Request for Expressions of Interest for Contract Transparency Study in Papua New Guinea: Assessment of Benefits, Challenges, Risks and Opportunities    The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard that promotes transparency and accountability in the oil, gas and mining sectors. One of the key requirements for PNG as an EITI implementing country is to systematically disclose company payments and government receipts of extractive revenues in the annual EITI country reports through the existing systems consistent with the EITI Standard. Contract Transparency or disclosure of extractive resources project agreements through the EITI reports is a key requirement under the EITI Standard. When EITI countries commit to contract transparency, they accept to publicly disclose the full text of any contract, license, concession or other agreements governing the exploitation of oil, gas and mineral resources. Contract Transparency allows citizens to understand the agreed terms for extractive projects in their countries and to hold the parties to these agreements accountable for their actions. This in turn creates a level playing field for resource developers and also enables governments to negotiate better deals for their citizens. The EITI with support from USAID is seeking a competent and credible firm or individual to produce a study describing the existing legal framework for contract (or projects agreements) disclosure in PNG, and evaluating risks and challenges as well as the opportunities and benefits associated with disclosing extractive sector contracts. The outcome of the study is expected to enhance stakeholders understanding of any potential risks and offer practical solutions on how to address such risks and reap the benefits of public disclosure. The assignment is expected to take 20 consultancy days in July and August and should be completed by end of August 2021. The consultant must be a reputable company/one or more individual(s) with a proven reputation, perceived by the EITI International Secretariat and the EITI Papua New Guinea to be credible, trustworthy, experienced and technically competent. The consultant will need to possess the following competencies:  Expertise in PNG’s legal framework and contracts regime, specifically in the extractive sector relating to project agreements, MOAs, Development Agreements, UBSA, LBSAs etc. A PNG law degree or relevant background in the context of PNG is an advantage. Expertise in natural resource governance in PNG, as demonstrated by at least seven years of relevant work experience. Familiarity with the EITI Standard’s requirements on contract disclosure. Adequate experience in producing similar technical studies and research. Familiarity with PNG’s government systems, laws and policies. The consultant must demonstrate ability to access information from government through well-established networks within the PNG’s bureaucracy. Adequate experience in conducting consultations with various stakeholders from government, companies and civil society. Advanced written and communication skills in English. To ensure quality and independence in the undertaking, the consultant must, in their technical and financial proposals, disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest, together with a comment about how they may be avoided. A consultant will be selected following a quality- and cost-based selection procedure. Consultants should submit: A Technical Proposal, outlining: (a) the experience of the firm / consultants, (b) the proposed methodology and work plan in response to the Terms of Reference (TORs) and (c) the key experts’ qualifications and competence. The Technical Proposal should not include any financial information. Technical proposals containing material financial information shall be declared non-responsive. A Financial Proposal, clearly indicating a lump sum financial proposal, inclusive of all costs associated with required travel and applicable taxes. The financial proposal should clearly differentiate fees from any other reimbursable expenses. The daily rate for the consultant fees should be clearly indicated. The Financial Proposal should be sent as a password protected PDF file. The passwords should not be sent. The passwords will be requested following the assessment of the technical proposals. Proposals must be delivered by email to from the EITI International Secretariat (Oslo, Norway office) and copy to be sent to PNGEITI National Secretariat on email by 13 July 2021. Terms of Reference is available on: AUTHORIZED BY: LUCAS ALKAN HEAD OF PNGEITI NATIONAL SECRETARIAT

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