improving extractives governance
PNGEITI Report Releases
The EITI holds all implementing countries to the same global standard. Through Validation, the EITI’s quality assurance mechanism, implementing countries are assessed on their ability to meet the provisions of the EITI Standard.
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard for promoting transparency and accountability of revenues and other benefits received in the oil, gas and mining sectors, consistent with the EITI Global Standard. The PNGEITI National Secretariat is hereby calling for expressions of interest from service providers who will be responsible for publishing advertisements and articles relating to the work of the EITI on a monthly basis for a period of 6 months from February to July, 2024. Ideally, the service provider will be required to include advertisements and articles relating to EITI implementation activities in its monthly publication of newsletters or magazines and such publication should be circulated to a wider audience. The Contractor will be expected to provide publication services as follows: Advertisements: This is to promote the work the PNGEITI National Secretariat and its Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) in terms of EITI implementation in country. The National Secretariat intends to place advertisements with a feature report in the publisher’s monthly publication of its magazines or newsletters. The advertisements will be prepared by the National Secretariat and submitted to the publisher (contractor) for on a monthly basis. Articles: To place articles on EITI implementation activities to promote and create awareness in the publisher’s monthly magazine for the 6 months duration. These articles will cover new EITI initiatives, work undertaken from the validation exercises and implementation of the new requirements in the EITI Standard. It will also cover in country activities undertaken by the National Secretariat and its MSG. Submissions including a financial proposal for the publication services should be emailed to Francis Diakon at or delivered to the Secretariat office at Level 8 of The Treasury Building no later than 4:30 pm on the 31st of January, 2024. The terms of reference can be downloaded below; TOR for publication (advertisement and articles) services Jan 2024 Download Preview
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard for promoting transparency and accountability of revenues and other benefits received in the oil, gas and mining sectors, consistent with the EITI Global Standard. The PNGEITI National Secretariat is hereby calling for expressions of interest from service providers who will be responsible for the provision of screening, shortlisting, interviewing and selection of staff of the PNGEITI National Secretariat following its recent advertisement for additional recruitment to fill existing vacancies. This is a short-term assignment that will cover a period of one month from 15th February to 15th March, 2024. Ideally, the Consultant will be mainly involved in collation, compilation, screening, shortlisting, planning, organising and undertaking interviews of the short-listed applicants from the positions that have been advertised recently. See attached is the Terms of Reference TERMS OF REFERENCE OF RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT revised 20.01.24 Download Preview
Left to Right: PNGEITI Head of National Secretariat Mr. Lucas Alkan, PNGEITI MSG Acting Chairman Mr. John Uware , JICA Chief Representative Mr. MATSUOKA Hideaki, and Mr. Channan Kumalau of the Department of Petroleum after the signing today. PORT MORESBY: A three-year technical cooperation between the PNG Extractive Industries Transparency (PNGEITI) and JICA will boost data transparency in the PNG Mining and petroleum sectors. This will be made possible with the signing of “Record of Discussion” between PNGEITI Stakeholders and JICA experts undertaken in August this year. The Record of Discussion which forms the basis for the execution of the technical cooperation was signed in Port Moresby today by Mr. John Uware who is acting Chairman of the PNGEITI Multi- Stakeholder Group with Mr. Matsuoka Hideaki from the JICA side. This signing marks phase two of the JICA/PNGEITI technical cooperation aimed at Improving Resource Related Revenue Management through enhanced EITI Reporting. This second phase will commence in March, 2024. The PNGEITI Head of National Secretariat Lucas Alkan thanked the Government of Japan through JICA for its continued support in the Government of PNG’s effort to implement the EITI Global Standard to improve extractive sector governance. He acknowledged JICA for coming on board for the second time to help improve extractive transparency which is the core mandate of the EITI – in the PNG Mining and petroleum space. “PNGEITI is happy that we’ve signed on the record of discussions that was conducted within the month of August by JICA experts”, Mr Alkan said. “The second project will be undertaken by JICA experts to continue building and improving capacity at the Department of Petroleum and Energy from work that was undertaken in Phase 1 of the project and at the same time, focus on building capacity at the Auditor General’s Office to improve financial data quality, reliability and timely availability of resource related data and information for public use,” Mr. Alkan explained. The Head of PNGEITI Secretariat said that the three-year program would basically pick up from where JICA had left off at the Department of Petroleum and Energy when Phase 1 of the project ended a year ago and determine ways to improve the quality of the financial data for EITI reporting and to ensure that more resources-related information is made publicly available for transparency purpose as required by the EITI Global Standard. The project is also intended to assist strengthen capacity at the Auditor General’s Office to ensure that the financial data that are used in the EITI annual reports are audited and are reliable to improve the quality of these reports. Mr Alkan said the JICA technical cooperation program in that it will specifically focus on building and strengthening capacities at two key government organisations; the Department of Petroleum and Energy and the office of the Auditor General. Addressing weaknesses in data reliability and quality in these two agencies would be important to the work of the PNGEITI Secretariat in its endeavour to addressing the data and information gaps as highlighted through the EITI reporting process. Present during the occasion included key representatives from beneficiary government entities, namely the Department of Petroleum and the PNG Office of the Auditor General. ENDS. Approved for Release by Mr. Lucas Alkan PNGEITI Head of National Secretariat
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard for promoting transparency and accountability of revenues and other benefits received in the oil, gas and mining sectors, consistent with the EITI Global Standard. The PNGEITI National Secretariat is hereby calling for expressions of interest from service providers who will be responsible for publishing advertisements and articles relating to the work of the EITI on a monthly basis for a period of 6 months from 1st August, 2023 to 31st January, 2024. Ideally, the service provider will be required to include advertisements and articles relating to EITI implementation activities in its monthly publication of newsletters or magazines and such publication should be circulated to a wider audience. The Contractor will be expected to provide publication services as follows: Advertisements: This is to promote the work the PNGEITI National Secretariat and its MultiStakeholder Group (MSG) in terms of EITI implementation in country. The National Secretariat intends to place advertisements with a feature report in the publisher’s monthly publication of its magazines or newsletters. The advertisements will be prepared by the National Secretariat and submitted to the publisher (contractor) on a monthly basis. Articles: To place articles on EITI implementation activities to promote and create awareness in the publisher’s monthly magazine for the 6 months duration. These articles will cover new EITI initiatives, the validation exercises and the new requirements of the EITI Standard. It will also cover in country activities undertaken by the National Secretariat and its MSG. Interested bidders should obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference (ToR) from the Secretariat office or download it from link provided below. The Terms of Reference (ToR) provides full details on the scope of work involved. Submissions including a financial proposal for the publication services can be emailed to or delivered to the Secretariat office at Level 8 of The Treasury Building no later than 4:30 pm on the 31st of July, 2023. Terms of Reference (TOR) can be downloaded here TOR for PNGEITI publication services Download Preview Authorised by: Lucas Alkan Head of National Secretariat
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard for the good governance of oil, gas and mineral resources. As a EITI country, PNG is required to publish this annual EITI report that contains all revenues received by the Government and all material payments made by industry companies, and the reconciliation of these payments and receipts. PNG has published 9 EITI Reports in strict compliance with the requirements of the EITI Global Standard since it became a EITI member country in 2014.
Call for Expression of Interest for Short Term Legal Consultant to Finalise the Proposed PNGEITI Commission Bill for Statutory Approval and Enactment
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard that seeks to promote open and accountable management of revenues generated from the non-renewable extractive sector (oil, gas and mining) activities. It also seeks to strengthen government and company systems and processes, inform public debate and enhance trust among different stakeholders.